Layer H Type Battery Cages

H Type Polaris Equipment produces layer battery cages of three to six, depending on the height of the customer’s chicken house. The equipment has a hot-dip galvanized surface. The H frame cage system, with its scientific design and effective operation, sturdy construction, and installation services, is widely used in close quarters for large-scale chicken farms across the country.

Features of H type Layer Battery Cage

  1.  The hot galvanising procedure increases the overall anticorrosiveness and durability, extending its useful life by 10 to 15 years.
  2.  The A Frame system has 70% more land covered than the high-density H type raising system.
  3.  Farmers can save resources and energy by having management centralised.
  4.  The advance ventilation system and automated control system may reduce energy consumption and boost productivity and egg feed ratio.
  5.  The system has the ability to protect your investment.
  6.  The manure is cleaned with a belt-style system, resulting in a dry pellet that is simpler to remove and can be recycled.

Advantage of H type Layer Battery Cage

  1. Enduring, high-quality hot-dip galvanised material with years of lifespan.
    both automatic control and intense management.
  2. Reduce feed waste and save feed costs.
  3. The assurance of enough drinking.
  4.  Increasing density while saving money and land.
  5.  Temperature and ventilation are controlled automatically.
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